SLO Travels

I made my third trip to San Luis Obispo last weekend with Blair. Having attended Cal Poly, I know the place quite well and it has been a mixture of nostalgia and bewilderment for me—nostalgia for the things I remember and bewilderment for those that I do not (a lot has changed since I attended).

Me on piano at our first rehearsal in SLO

We have some amazing support for Hideo coming to us from both the Music and Computer Science departments, both of which were somewhat at odds with one another while I attended Poly. However, it seems that the new (as of 2006) Computer Science department chair, Ignatios Vakalis, has done his part to bridge the divide between the colleges of Liberal Arts and Engineering. This is definitely working for Hideo, since we are receiving support from both of these departments.

Given this strong backing, I am very excited about what this means for Hideo, and look forward to all 1200 seats of the PAC filled come November 5th!

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